

Extenda Biotech
Extenda Biotech
Based on integrity, innovationThe company set research and development, production, sales as one

Xiangyang Extenda Biotech Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise engages in manufacturing fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates and food additives. 

About us

Xiangyang Extenda Biotech Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise engages in manufacturing fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates and food additives. The company is situated in Xiangyang city of Hubei province, which is a famous historic and cultural city of China. Extenda Biotech engages in R&D, production and sales, and it has production bases in Xiangyang, Jiangzhou and other regions of Hubei province...

Xiangyang Extenda Biotech Co., Ltd.

A high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates and food additives

Zanda Biology "Enterprise advantage"

Business philosophyTireless and down-to-earth

Technical conceptTechnology first, quality based

Development conceptHonesty based, innovation far

Service conceptCustomer satisfaction, win-win cooperation

Based on integrity   Innovation ZhiyuanA high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates and food additives


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